Tuesday 18 October 2016

Time and Tide Waits for None

Time and Tide Wait for None (250 words)

Time and tide wait for none is a proverb which indicates the value of time and tide and reveals their truth that both waits never for none. Time is free as one cannot buy or sell it. It is priceless and can only be used or pass by us. We cannot own it however can use it in right direction. We cannot store it but can spend it. Once we lost it can never get back. It always runs like a river in forward direction which only gives forever and never takes back. As the direction of river flow cannot be changed, time also never returns back. We should use time properly by performing all the chores at right time and never postpone. We should be very punctual and disciplined in life to get benefited with time.
One who lost the time is called as loser and cannot achieve something big in life. We can earn a lot of money and store it for whole life however we cannot store even a single minute of time for a second. We can earn more money by using time in right manner however cannot get more time by using money. We cannot compare time with any precious thing in the world because it is more valuable than them. We spend money with caution but why we waste our time. The reason belong to this is, we earn money through hard works whereas time is free. The person who understands the importance of time goes ahead and gets the success a day. And the one who misuses it, never climb the ladder of success.

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